
Setting Up the Development Environment

Course Content
Session 1: Introduction to ESP32
Objective: Get familiar with the ESP32 microcontroller and set up the development environment.
Session 2: Interfacing with Sensors and Displays
Learn how to connect a DHT22 sensor and an OLED display to the ESP32.
Session 4: Programming the OLED Display
Objective: Write code to display information on the OLED display.
Session 5: Integrating Sensor Data with OLED Display
Objective: Combine sensor readings with OLED display functionality.
Session 6: Setup WIFI Capability
Session 7: Adding a Webserver
Session 8: Wrap-up
ESP32 Basics
About Lesson

A. Tools and Software

  • Arduino IDE: A popular IDE for programming ESP32.
  • PlatformIO: An alternative IDE with more advanced features.

B. Installing Arduino IDE

  1. Download and install Arduino IDE from Arduino’s website.
  2. Open Arduino IDE and go to File → Preferences.
  3. Add the following URL to the Additional Boards Manager URLs field: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json.
  4. Go to Tools → Board → Boards Manager and search for “ESP32”. Install the ESP32 board package.

C. Connecting the ESP32

  • Connect the ESP32 to your computer via USB.
  • Install drivers if necessary (especially for Windows users).

D. Selecting the Board and Port

  • Go to Tools → Board and select “ESP32 Dev Module”.
  • Go to Tools → Port and select the appropriate COM port (for Windows) or /dev/ttyUSB0 (for macOS/Linux).